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22.11.23 Науковий семінар "Feeling the Force. Tools and Techniques to Unravel the Cellular Forces"

22.11.23 Науковий семінар "Feeling the Force. Tools and Techniques to Unravel the Cellular Forces"

Шановні студенти, аспіранти та викладачі кафедри Приладної фізики, а також усі зацікавлені науковці та майбутні науковці, 22-го листопада 2023 року о 16:10, запрошуємо вас взяти участь у науковому семінарі за темою "Feeling the Force: Tools and Techniques to Unravel the Cellular Forces".Sam.jpg (55 K<img class='smiley' style='width:20px;height:20px;' src='../../images/smiley/cool.svg' alt='Cool'>

Семінар є частиною регулярного наукового семінару кафедри прикладної фізики КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського.

Seminar language: English
Sam Aytekin  Doctoral Researcher in @Rocha Lab, Molecular Imaging and Photonics Research Unit, Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Belgium

Annotation: Mechanobiology is an interdisciplinary field that examines the critical role played by mechanical forces in various biological phenomena, including cell migration, tissue development, and disease progression. Cells constantly sense and respond to mechanical cues from their microenvironment, and these forces have profound implications for cellular behavior and tissue physiology. By unraveling the bidirectional force transmission between cells and their surroundings, mechanobiology provides crucial insights into fundamental biological processes and offers promising avenues for novel therapeutic interventions. This seminar delves into the importance of mechanobiology and highlights two main techniques, Traction Force Microscopy (TFM) and Molecular Force Sensors, which are integral to our understanding of how mechanical forces shape biological systems.

Traction Force Microscopy (TFM) is the long standing standard technique in mechanobiology that enables the quantification of ‘traction’ forces exerted by cells on their substrates. TFM relies on the measurement of substrate deformations caused by cellular forces and the subsequent reconstruction of force maps. TFM has proven invaluable in studies of cell adhesion, migration, and contractility, as well as in understanding the mechanical properties of tissues.

Molecular Tension Probes, on the other hand, are recently developed tools that have revolutionized our ability to investigate mechanical forces at the molecular level within living cells. These probes rely on the principles of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), where the transfer of energy between fluorophores is extremely sensitive to changes in the distance between them. By fusing FRET donor and acceptor pairs to force-sensitive protein inside the cell, researchers can monitor the dynamic mechanical forces experienced by these molecules in real time. This technology has provided unprecedented insights into the spatiotemporal distribution of forces within cellular structures, shedding light on how cells perceive, distribute and respond to mechanical cues, ultimately contributing to our understanding of mechanobiological phenomena.

In conclusion, mechanobiology is a field of growing importance that addresses the impact of mechanical forces on biological systems. The techniques of Traction Force Microscopy and Molecular Tension Probes are indispensable for dissecting the relationships between mechanical cues and cellular behavior. Their application not only enhances our understanding of fundamental biology but also holds great promise for the development of innovative therapeutic strategies in the future. As mechanobiology continues to evolve, these techniques will remain at the forefront of groundbreaking research in this dynamic and transformative field.


Час проведення семінару 16:10

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